Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bordeaux 2005 vintage spectacular!

An increasing number of collectors as well as investors have returned to Bordeaux in the early part of 2015 according to Liv-Ex.

Ongoing Asian interest in the fine wine market has no signs of slowing down as fresh consumer awareness on Bordeaux. The 2005 vintages in particular, are supporting evidence that the province is witnessing a growth in fortunes in the fine wine trade.

Numerous fine wine trade forecasters have reported growing stability in the market over the past few months. This was the result of a long term decline in the market. The Bordeaux region, which accounts for the majority of the market, has seen growing momentum in 2005 vintages as opposed to the recent domination if the 2009’s and 2010’s.

The 2005 vintage demand continued to increase as ex-cellar Mouton Rothschild was sold on for ‘astonishing prices’ at Sotheby’s auction house at the end of January 2015. Whilst early January witnessed the 2005’s dominating 20% of the Bordeaux trade. The significant increase in the demand for the 2005 vintage is expected to continue.

With Bordeaux looking at a prosperous 2015, fine wine buyers have not abandoned other French fine wine regions. Burgundy’s Domaine de la Romanee-Conti was at the forefront of the fine wine auctions of 2014, making more in sales than any other estate at Sotheyby’s and Zacys. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

China owns 100 Bordeaux Châteaus

China owns 100 Bordeaux Châteaus

With wine mania re-emerging across the world, China, the main exporter for Bordeaux wines, has been progressively purchasing vineyards in the Bordeaux region. The Asian giant’s ever growing thirst for Property in the renowned French wine-making region.
The representative 100th château was purchased by Chinese millionaire James Zhou in Tabanac, located on the right bank of the Garonne River in the Cadillac Cotes de Bordeaux region. Bought for an undisclosed figure Château Renon, located 30 minutes from the centre of Bordeaux, came with 20 acres of vineyard and over 5 hectares of gardens.
Ongoing Asian interest in the fine wine market has no signs of slowing, this can be dated back to when the Chinese began to acquire Châteaus in 2010 to meet growing domestic demand as well as being a well-known status symbol. Now being primary export market for Bordeaux wines, the Chinese invest an average of 10 million Euros in the Bordeaux provinces. The future suggests that this figure may double if not treble in the coming years.

Mostly attracted to mid-range château, the Asian superpower now acquires 1.3% of the 7400+ châteaus in the Bordeaux region. Though attaining rapidly the region’s main foreign owners remain the Belgians, with the Chinese catching up fast in second place.